Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Living Wage

Sir Ian McKellen has issued a plea for a “living wage” for actors … see: The UK Independent Story.  He notes that only one actor in 50 earns more than $34,000 per year. This is truly a noble gesture from a famous and knighted actor who pulled down over $10 million for his work on the Hobbit series of films.

Seeing that there are many other actors also earning equally extravagant and even greater fees for their (sometimes limited) thespian talents … and the stage hands on Broadway can easily earn six figure salaries for moving scenery around (see: Forbes Story), it would seem to me that this industry is a particularly blatant example of wage inequality … and the Democrats and Elizabeth Warren might start campaigning for a leveling of the playing field in Hollywood and on Broadway … just like they have done vis-à-vis Wall Street and the Koch Industries.

Nah, don’t be silly … then who would write the big checks for them to get re-elected?

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