Sunday, June 08, 2014

Ser-vice Animals

Like, it seems, almost everything else in this country, a good idea is being turned into another air-conditioned corner of hell.  Today’s case in point is service animals … animals that are necessary to aid physically or mentally handicapped individuals … super seeing-eye dogs if you will. Guidelines for same (see: NMEDA Story) are ignored and Chiwawa dogs have suddenly become indispensable for many a dowager’s mental well being.

More and more what was a reasonable solution for various handicaps is corrupted so that it loses all meaning and becomes just another way around sane social norms. As we have seen, handicapped parking has been abused to the point of insanity … now service-animal special permits are being handed out like Wendell Willkie buttons so that any valid use becomes immediately suspect.

Animals of all sorts … dogs, monkeys, ferrets, pigs, and even snakes are given this suspect designations by doctors and vets out for the quick buck … see: NCHPAD Article. Shame on the abusers ... for, as a result, it will not be too many years before legitimate use of this privilege will be lost. For a recent examples of this abuse see: Powerline Blog.

I predict that it won’t be too long before we start to see humans showing up as service animals … remember Barney Frank on a leash?

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