Friday, June 20, 2014


At old-time carnivals there was always a spiel mister who, waving his bamboo cane, huckstered rubes into the various sideshows full of geeks, freaks and flabby female ecdysiasts … or one who offered you a chance to beat an unbeatable tent game. Such was called a “carny” … short for carnival worker. Yesterday was Jay Carney’s last day as the White House Press Secretary … kinda like the modern-day equivalent of a carny … the head spinner of administration misdirections. This Carney carny however did not wave a cane nor stand in front of a sucker’s game. But then again?

Jay Carney … or the “common streetwalker” as I liked to call him … grew into this job … learning to lie with aplomb. He benefited from a complacent and lackluster press corps (corpse?) who were led around by the nose … even asked to submit questions in advance … see: Pantomime. The most recent whopper this carny ask us to believe was that that IRS tyrant, Lois Lerner, had never contacted the White House by e-mail … see: Michelle Malkin Squib. This is despite the fact that there were 155 White House meetings between Lois Lerner’s boss and Obama’s henchmen … see: Daily Caller Story. Pleeease …

One Fox News wag opined that Carney was not paid enough to do all these tap dances around Obama’s malfeasances … but I think he was being overpaid. Now we can expect to see Carney slip back into the media in some fashion or another … moving between news-making and news-faking.

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