Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Faux Anger

I don’t think I need to reiterate all of President Obama’s management miscues surrounding the Veterans Administration (VA) fiasco. Even some die-hard Democrats are beginning to realize how inept our fearless leader has been in his handling of the corruption, incompetence and cover-ups that seems to have permeate this agency ... six years after he swore to fix things … let alone his numerous other scandals that have arisen due to his terms of lassitude and inattention. Sooo, Obama again reluctantly came out today to put his “I’m mad as hell” lid on his latest administration scandal ... see: Breitbart Story.

The funny part about this faux anger is that Obama can’t seem to get beyond his practiced, glib delivery style. His outrage seems as convincing as his Obamacare promises. He once told Harry Reid that his ability to read from a teleprompter was “a gift.” And for many years it was … it actually got him elected. But his inability to differentiate with his emotions between 40 veterans dying due to VA uselessness … and his pardoning of the Thanksgiving turkey … has turned this “gift” into an oozing leper’s sore. I can only imagine that these hollow words he spoke today in this news conference were but his down payment on another golf game … see: ABC Story

Instead of steam coming out of Obama’s ears, his sad performance today appeared more like a Three Stooges pantomime. Our maimed and infirmed veterans really do deserve better that this cynical charade we were offered..

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