Saturday, May 31, 2014

Copy Cat

David Nabhan, author of “Earthquake Predictions: Answers in Plain Sight," believes that he can predict earthquakes.  The next ones he expects to occur between 4:45 and 7:55 AM or PM on July 12th and September 9th of this year (pretty specific, huh?) Although this may sound a bit loopy, the rationale for these predictions has to do with the combined effect of the sun’s and the moon’s gravitational pull on our land masses … just as they can and do affect our ocean’s tides … see: Pittsburgh CBS Story.

I happen to agree with Mr. Nabhan about the influence of the moon's and sun's gravity on earthquakes. To me this makes perfect sense … just as over three years ago I had this exact same thought when the Earth was experiencing a series of devastating earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand during a period coincident with when our moon was particularly close to Earth in its orbit (in a well-known 18-year cycle) … see: Shine on ...  But I would need more hard evidence before I concur with his time-of-day predictions.

Science can sometimes assemble remarkable insights when one observes one’s circumstances fully unencumbered by political orthodoxies.

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