Friday, April 04, 2014

Limburger Cheese

I have always thought that there was considerable voter fraud being practiced in this country … mostly by Democrats … be it dead people voting, illegal aliens and felons voting, people voting in multiple states (especially students), rigged voting machines, abuse of absentee ballots, people voting multiple times in the same state, and ballot box stuffing (remember the “hanging chads” in Florida). And just recently we hear that in California, people who have signed up for Obamacare have been sent voter registration cards with “Democrat” pre-checked. I am also reasonably sure that there are other ruses that go undetected. But now we have some more hard evidence to support this contention.  In North Carolina, it has been discovered that tens of thousands of voters recently cast their ballots in at least two states … see: National Review Disclosure.

I have written many times about such a blatant abuse of democracy in the past … see: Voter FraudDown We GoRepresentation without TaxationOne Man One VoteThe Fix, and Grapenuts.  But the example that convinced me that such malfeasance is clearly widespread, particularly in the inner cities, was in the recent 2012 Presidential election where 100% of the registered voters in 59 Philadelphia voting districts voted for Obama … see: Voter Intimidation. This is absolutely impossible. There must be a few people hospitalized or deceased. There might even be a few free-thinkers who would have voted for Romney. But exactly 100% of almost 20,000 registered voters in 59 precincts in Philadelphia vote for Obama … balderdash!

But, equally dangerous is the campaign by this country’s lefties and lefty media to pooh-pooh concerns about voter fraud. I can’t help but wonder why this is? The accusation of “voter suppression” is constantly used to suppress any valid effort to reduce voter fraud. Can nobody see through this throwing up of a phony smoke screen by the left? The more I hear such objections, the more I am convinced that this practice is widespread. You can’t get on an airplane or cash a check or rent a car or buy alcohol without showing a picture ID.  Why should this not be a requirement to vote? And why should voter registration be tied to more and more processes that don’t check for one’s citizenship? I truly believe that the Democrat party is actively involved in perpetuating massive amounts of voter fraud.  Otherwise how come this party controls the White House and the Senate when the clear majority of Americans polled consider themselves to be Conservatives?

Something stinks and it isn't Limburger cheese …

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