Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Photo Negative

Seigfried Osgood, Senior Editor for White Magazine, Reader’s Disgust became the latest conservative attacker on white [D]emocrats through the social medium Twitter by calling DNC Debbie Smarmy a “Black Dude” and talking down to her as if [she] were beneath him. I didn’t know that Reader’s Disgust tolerated this racist tone from their management team. As you will see in the exchange below, Osgood throws out the racist language to shut down the conversation. Contact Reader’s Disgust offices and let them know you would expect more from their management staff. (212) 555-1234.

Smarmy is the Deputy Press Secretary for the Democrat National Committee and takes her job seriously.  Here is a little of the Twitter back and forth:

Siegfried Osgood – I 100% don’t want to know more. I wish I knew less!
Debbie Smarmy – wish you knew less? Hoped you would encourage diversity of thought.
Siegfried Osgood – Oh great, Here comes a Black dude telling me how to do this White thing. Pass.
Debbie Smarmy – Who are you referring to as black?  Reid and Pilosi are white.
Siegfried Osgood – YOU. Now leave I have no interest in this conversation.
Debbie Smarmy – You are questioning someone’s whiteness. I do not fit your stereotypes.


If you haven’t figured it out by now, the above is a satire on what an Ebony magazine's black editor, Jamilah Lemieux, tweeted out to Raffi Williams, the RNC’s black Deputy Press Secretary … only black is now white, white is black, and most names have been changed to protect the innocent. Virtually everything in the above is the photo negative of what was said in the following article ... see: News Ninja Write-up.

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