Friday, February 28, 2014

Whip Our Teens into Shape

Isn’t it wonderful that the U.S. taxpayers support Planned Parenthood to the tune of over half a billion dollars a year … see: Fox News Story?  And where does all this money go?  Answer: mostly toward women’s reproductive services (aka abortions).  Planned Parenthood has performed something like one million abortions over the last three years … see: Heritage Foundation Story.  Perhaps we should call this non-profit organization "Planned Unparenthood?"

Planned Parenthood also spends a pretty penny on funding the elections of those politicians who will keep this taxpayer money-faucet open … something like $15 million per pop … see: Newsmax Story.  Basically all taxpayers are being made to pony up to elect Democrats.

Ah, but now Planned Parenthood is branching out … it is now decided that it needs to proselytize our teenagers about the pleasures of bondage and sadomasochistic sex … see: Life News Story. What in God’s name do handcuffs, whips and gag balls have to do with planning one’s parenthood?  And why do we, the U.S. taxpayers, need to fund such dreck?

Don’t answer … we all know we are in the vise grip of the Liberal vortex …

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