Thursday, February 27, 2014
Unlikely to Happen
- My winning the Powerball lottery
- The New York Times endorsing a Republican for President
- A gay marriage in a Mosque
- Harry Reid bringing a Republican bill up for a Senate vote
- Rush Limbaugh admitting that he is a blowhard
- Eric Holder charging a black man with a hate crime
- U.N. staffers staying in one-star European hotels
- Obama approving the XL pipeline before the 2014 midterms
- Russia's Putin proposing self-determination for Ukrainian voters
- The ACLU defending the display of a creche on public property
- Gabby Giffords propounding Second-Amendment gun rights
- Iran endorsing Israel's right to exist
- Bill Clinton coming out of the closet
- Hell freezing over ... but ... then again ... maybe not
Another unlikely event - Climate not changing