Monday, February 10, 2014

Slicing the Bologna

The hunk of bologna called Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act to those of you who are still hiding behind the “hope and change” mantra) is being quietly diminished one slice at a time by its administrative namesake, the Congress and the courts. There have been numerous wavers, exceptions, extensions, delays and forgiveness of its tenants mainly by the initial advocates of this atrocious monstrosity of a health-care law.

I started this blog by researching and listing all these changes, but then on Fox News tonight I heard that the number was 27 changes, so, with the help of Google, I found this compendium of the slices that have been taken out of this piece of processed deli meat … please peruse: National Review Article for these deleterious details.

One truly wonders whether, given the rate that these extra-Constitutional morphings of this law have been progressing … there is now any real resemblance to the original mandate that was passed in Congress with shameless shenanigans.  It would seem to this author that, if this altered law were now presented back to the Supreme Court, it would be a slam-dunk to be overridden as unconstitutional in its present form.  (Unless, of course, the Obama administration really does have compromising pictures of Chief Justice Roberts.)

In simpler terms, there is now nothing left of this bologna except baloney.

Afterward: I think that this must be the 28th slice ... see: Wall Street Journal Article.  Is there any meat left on the slicer? This law now seems a tabula rasa upon which anything can be written by anybody at anytime

I don't think that this is the way government is supposed to work ... or perhaps this is what Obama meant when he promised "fundemental change."

After Afterward: Reiterating the point: Powerline Blog.

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