Friday, February 07, 2014

Our Hero

Starry-eyed and fuzzy-brained leftists have extolled Edward Snowden’s patriotism in his leaking of information about the extent of the NSA surveillance program.  What they have conveniently ignored is that snow-job Snowden compromised enormous amounts of non-NSA secrets that has sent U.S. intelligence agencies into a deep funk … and given Russia and China a huge leg-up in international hegemony. 

Yesterday the House Armed Services Committee was given a briefing about the length and breadth of Snowden's perfidy … and they were shocked and angered as a result … see: PJ Media Piece. These Representatives would and could not give the specifics of what they learned in this briefing, but it was clearly devastating.

 I have in the past written about the fallacy of not understanding that Snowden could be both a hero and a traitor at the same time … see: Excluded Middle Commentary.  So to establish a modicum of justice in this international kerfuffle, may I make the following suggestion?  Right after Snowden receives his Nobel Peace Prize (a good bet), I suggest that he be led, to the beat of a muffled drummer, to a thick brick wall to receive his reward from the U.S. security agencies … about one pound of hot lead into his being … possibly with all his third-column accomplices being forced in shackles to witness same.

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