Saturday, February 08, 2014

Job Lock

Can Democrats get any nuttier … or more insidious?  As a way of diminishing the impact of the damaging report of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on the consequences of Obamacare for future American unemployment (2.5 million full-time-equivalent job losses by 2024 … see: NY Post Story), the Democrats and their pals in the main-street media have once again hidden behind semantics.  They have tried turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse with the term “job lock” – the requirement that people need to work in order to get health insurance.

In other words, CBO has it right, but instead of these virtual job losses being bad ... they are good because it reduces job lock … see: Huffington Post Article.  Big Brother has saved these 2.5 million full-time-equivalent people from the horrors of working.  This is another perfect example of the Obama administration’s Orwellian newspeak (see "More Newspeak" Blog Entry).

I still remember another poignant example of this kind of liberal semantic mind-bending.  Once on a visit to the textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, some left-wing wing-nut classified (on a poster) all the farm girls … who had escaped the drudgery of rural life for this exciting new work opportunity … as “wage slaves.”  So, in other words, the industrial revolution became, with the twist of a phrase, the equivalent of forced labor on Southern plantations … really now!?

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