Monday, February 03, 2014

Can of Worms

Columnist Nicholas Kristoff has opened a can of worms regarding Woody Allen's and Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow's disclosures regarding what her father did to her as a 7-year old girl.  If you are squeamish about the sexual abuse of children, I suggest that you not read her recounting of what this esteemed movie maker and droll comedian did to her in their attic.

However, in a dispassionate way, I think Kristoff has given this story credence ... so please force yourself to get through it.  Then decide how we, as a society, should reduce (and punish) such aberrant behavior.  Or are we going to ignore it or even encourage it ... given our current permissive zeitgeist?

See: NY Times Editorial

If you are a regular reader of this blog, I think you can deduce how I feel about such conduct ... Woody Allen should no longer be able to get a woody.

Afterward: You might also want to read this: Vanity Fair Article.


  1. NY times Op-ED Column, not Editorial.
    Since none of us were there, it's hard to know who is telling the truth. Memories of abuse can be manufactured.
    What happened to your Constitutional principles? ...Innocent until proven guilty...?

    1. Pure sophistry ... Is Nicholas Kristoff also guilty of trampling on the Constitution? Anyone else come to mind for this honor?

  2. You are calling for Woody to be castrated based on allegation. How can you be so sure when the prosecutors didn't think there was enough evidence of abuse to charge him? You and Martha Coakley should get together for tea.

  3. Some counterpoint from Dylan in People Mag:,,20784292,00.html
