Monday, February 17, 2014

A Simple Solution

The President is using and has threatened to use executive actions and executive orders to get his way … circumventing Congress, the courts, and the Constitution.  Senator Mike Lee of Utah has, this past Sunday, expressed American frustration at these executive exploitations … see: Fox News Interview … but feels that there is little that can be done to remedy them.

Au contraire dear Senator … there is a simple solution … in its upcoming budget resolution, Congress should just remove all specific funding for pens and phones in the White House.


  1. I think conservative outrage at the presidential use of executive orders is silly. Why do you choose to ignore historical facts?
    Fact: Obama has used exec orders less than any president in modern history.
    Where was your outrage, when GW Bush was using "signing statements", claiming the right to ignore sections of at least 750 statutes that he didn't agree with, though he signed the bills that contained them?

  2. I don't believe George W. Bush and the other prexies should have issued such exceptions when they signed laws ... even if mostly just trivial adjustments. However, did Obama issue such caveats when he signed this disaster of a law four years ago? No. He is clearly writing new law out of whole cloth and the issues involved are enormous when compared with what those other presidents did. This is what is unconstitutional.

    Me thinks you suffer from that all-too-typical liberal failing ... called "moral equivalence."

  3. I looked up the term. According to Wiki, Most of the examples of "moral equivalence" statements occurred during the Reagan administration.
