Monday, January 06, 2014

The Polar Vortex

There is a new rationale for why the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing record-setting low temperatures in the midst of our Gore-curse of galloping global warming. This excuse is now called the “polar vortex.”  This somehow is a swirling mass of extremely frigid air that has decided to depart the North Pole and is raising havoc in what were, previously, our more temperate areas … see: LA Ttmes Story.

Of course, this new term makes things sound a lot more ominous than they really are … and, the American public, being patsies for such media drama, once more are pulling the covers over their heads and praying to the pundits at East Anglia University in England to release them from the grip of these evil CO2 genies.  But as it turns out this polar vortex is not new… it’s been around for eons … and it just new to the uninitiated in the weather processes.

So take a deep breath you climate chicken-little’s, all is not lost.  If such a brutal winter comes, will spring then abandon us forever?  I sincerely doubt it … unless of course those grant-happy climatologists can somehow get hold of that Halliburton weather machine.

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