Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Post Trauma

Amazon's founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, recently personally bought the Washington Post newspaper.  The expectation was that he would continue or expand its liberal editorial positions. Surprise! Surprise!  His newspaper has just created a partnership with the Volokh Conspiracy … a popular conservative blog that deals primarily in legal and public policy issues … see: Tumblr Story.  And he also has given the thumbs down to financing that uber-liberal, Ezra Klein for his independent website … and thus severed a longstanding relationship with him … see: Politico Story.

In times past I had a very loose interest in the Volokh Conspiracy (see: Volokh Conspiracy Blog) in that one of its contributors, Todd Zywicki, had good things to say about one of my blog sites, Dartmouth Traditions.  Todd Zywicki is a Dartmouth graduate, a famous lawyer, and a former trustee of the college on the hill.  A number of years ago, I occasionally visited his blog .,. but have gotten out of the habit.  I intend to remedy this lapse and will now regularly view it … and I recommend it to you.

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