Friday, January 03, 2014


I thought of titling this blog “Corrupt Politicians” but then that would be a redundant appellation.  Judicial Watch has just named the ten most corrupt U.S. politicians … and it has a couple of surprises.  Here is the reference: Breitbart Story ... and then here is the list:

1 - Barack Obama (no surprise here)
2 – Hillary Clinton (the American public seems oblivious)
3 – Eric Holder (nice to have an Attorney General on the list)
4 – Harry Reid (just look at how he pulled off his last election victory)
5 – John Brennan (see my previous comments at Acolytes)
6 – John Boehner (finally a Republican!)
7 – Janet Napolitano (perhaps corruption was a gating item for the original Obama cabinet)
8 – Stephen Miller (former IRS chief … isn’t that special?)
9 – Saxby Chambliss (another Republican and … gasp! … also a Senator)
10 – Kathleen Sebelius (corrupt? … or just stunningly incompetent?)

Go back and read the Breitbart story above to see the litany of sins that these bozos have committed … and I’m sure that this is just scratching the surface.  Judicial Watch also includes an interesting list of dishonorable mentions … such as former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (another Republican), new Democrat Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe (Virginians having traded a headache for an upset stomach), former Republican congressman Rick Renzi (now in prison), and finally Susan Rice (remember Benghazi?). 

Why, for heaven’s sake, is Nancy Pelosi not on this list … or even a dishonorable mention?  Oh hell, why not just do a roll call of most of Congress (paying particular attention to the Massachusetts delegation) and pretty much  the whole Obama administration?

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