Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Pearly Gates

I have had mixed feeling about Obama’s former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates … see: Swinging Gates.  However now that Gates has unloaded on President Obama, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and VP, Joe Biden, Gates has suddenly risen in my estimation.  (“The enemy of your enemy is your friend.”)

Now Gates has written a soon-to-be-published book, portions of which have been leaked to Bob Woodward in the Washington Post ... and it does not sugar-coat his feelings toward these three administration hacks.  Viz: Obama is two-faced, a very poor manager, and willing to sacrifice American lives in Afghanistan to no real purpose.  Biden is anti-military and has been, over the years, consistently wrong on all foreign policy issues.  And Hillary Clinton’s motivating factor has been how something might play politically … independent of the true merits of each situation.

Gates even takes a deserved dump on Congress. 

When this book, “Duty.” comes out next week,  I look forward to more of such relishing revelations.  However, I do think that Bob's Gates and Woodward will receive even fewer invites to inside-Washington social elbow-rubbings than they are getting today ... but they should get a gold star on St. Peter's ledger.

Afterward: See also: Wall Street Journal Article.

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