Thursday, January 23, 2014


We as a nation have just extended last weekend to honor the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. and have heard much of his moving Lincoln Memorial sermon played in the media.  But most of us don’t recollect the true motivations of Reverend King and how these motivations have been distorted since his dastardly demise. Yes, I have seen my recall clouded by the events and historical rewrites of the last forty-six years.  But thank heavens that there is one among us who can cut through this media fog and place Dr. King in a more realistic perspective … a perspective that doesn’t diminish him but, I think, elevates him from the cardboard cut-out he has become.

The Diplomad’s real name is W. Lewis Amselem and he has elegantly re-framed for me the true legacy of MLK Jr. and portrayed him as he was at age thirty-nine when he tragically strode out on that motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee.  Please read the following in its entirety: The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

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