Friday, November 15, 2013

Smoking Gun

Don’t be bamboozled by all the newspeak coming out of the Obama administration and from our fearless leader.  They and he knew all along how Obamacare was going to devastate current health-care insurance … both individual plans and company plans.

The following Federal Registry chart (published 6/17/2010) has been highlighted by John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog.  It is the smoking gun that clearly shows the administration’s shocking predictions of the percentages of employer health-care policies that would lose their grandfather status and be canceled (now postponed until next year by Obama's recent ukase) as a result of this wack-a-doodle legislation (click on the chart to enlarge it):

 To read John’s further and deeper thoughts on this depressing revelation go to his blog entry HERE.

Let’s face it … we’ve been had.  Obama and his cronies had clearly decided early-on to remake our health-care system in its entirety.  Because our then-current system had eczema, their cure was euthanasia.

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