Wednesday, November 06, 2013


The unfortunate election results of yesterday … the Rino (Republican in Name Only), Chris Christie, wining in New Jersey while the Tea Party Republican, Ken Cuccinelli, losing in Virginia … will now be interpreted by political pundits mostly bass ackwardly.  Establishment Republicans such as John McCain, Reince Priebus, Eric Cantor, and John Boehner will take this as meaning that the right wing of the Republican Party are losers and moderate policies must prevail to allow them to recapture the American electorate in 2014 and 2016.

Bullhockey!  Had they stepped in to help Cuccinelli, things could have been easily reversed.  Even Chris Christie would not take the time to travel to Virginia to lend his support to Cuccinelli in his up-hill battle ... and little Republican national money was funneled in to help offset the massive fundraising for Terry McAuliffe. Apparently the establishment Republicans would rather the Democrats win than see the Tea Party strengthened.

These Rinos obviously have forgotten the lessons of 2008 and 2012 when establishment Republicans, John McCain and Mitt Romney, lost to a radical-left-wing Democrat, Barack Obama, despite Obama getting 8 million fewer votes in 2012 than he did in 2008.  Yes, in years past, moving to the middle has been a successful strategy to win large elections … a perfect example being Bill Clinton in both of his runs.

But things have changed in the Obama era.  The moderate Democrats (Dinos?) have switched gears and embraced their more radical left wing … to their great benefit … whereas the main stream media’s castigating of the Tea Party has caused the establishment Republicans to not only distance themselves from these country-firsters, but actually openly side with the lefties.  How utterly stupid!

If Mitt Romney could have found a way to appeal to the Tea Party last year, he would be President today … and we would not be up to our necks in the liberal swill that Obama’s Chicago mob has been shoveling our way.  And if the Republicans expect to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, I sincerely doubt it will be with the likes of that hard-charging Rino, Chris Christie.  Oh yes, and if the Republicans are lucky enough to find someone further to the right whom they can embrace, he/she should not forget to still speak well of the Rinos.

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