Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lipstick on a Pig

Paul Mirengoff of the Powerline blog today asks the musical question: “Will [the Democrats] be united behind Hillary Clinton [in 2016] or will she face a substantial challenge from the left?” (See: Powerline Blog).  I personally find it difficult to imagine that there is anyone further left than Hillary Clinton.  But apparently both Politico and The New Republic have recently found Elizabeth Warren as a credible challenger to Hillary in 2016.  Their arguments, to me, taste like thin gruel.  In fact, my spider senses tell me that these straw-woman arguments may be nothing more than Clinton’s deep operatives trying to position her more as a moderate.

I am tempted to use the analogy of putting lipstick on a pig … but I think that that shibboleth was overused in 2008 when the media-left took their snarky shots at Sarah Palin.

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