Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hippocratic Oath

“Do no harm” … that is the essence of the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors are supposed to live by. In other words, if a patient arrives with a hang-nail, don’t cut off his finger.  Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an equivalent motto that politicians were asked to forswear when they entered the public arena?

Clearly, the current administration and the Pilosi-Reid cabal felt few compunctions about breaking some eggs when they cooked up that atrocious omelet of legislation four years ago ... once proudly called Obamacare. But now is being shamelessly retagged by the mainstream media with its official title “Affordable Care Act.”  In fact, it appears that this bunch of miscreants not only broke a zillion eggs in the process, but also killed the chickens and burned down the farm. 

And it is not just the website that is the problem with Obamacare … it is its entire concept and execution (excuse the pun) … see: Breitbart Commentary

Actually I do believe that those bozos responsible might have taken an oath under their breath when they entered public office … the Hypocritic Oath.

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