Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cat and Mouse

The recent negotiations in Geneva between the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iran over a nuclear deal have broken down … see: Breitbart Story.  This is not really a surprise considering that the United States has already given Iran much of what it was seeking – a pullback from the severe sanction that we had been imposing ... see: The Daily Beast Story.  Let me see … we know that Iran is the archetype of duplicity … yet we are surprised when they are duplicitous. Wouldn't it be wonderful if President Obama were as tough on Iran as he is on the on the American people?

And finally who is the cat and who is the mouse in this game?

Afterward: For another surprising take on why these talks broke down see; Powerline Blog.

After-afterward: There are always three sides to every story ... now Kerry says that Iran walked away from a deal (surprise! surprise!) ... see: UK .Telegraph Story

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