Wednesday, November 27, 2013


How can so many seemingly-smart people be so blind?  The current John Kerry-brokered deal with Iran, instead of averting war there, pretty much guarantees it. Clearly Iran was suffering greatly from the sanctions that the world had been imposing on them.  So, by cooing like a dove through its hawkish beak, Iran has slipped the noose. President Obama unilaterally relaxed these sanctions and then had Kerry construct a pact that is so loosey-goosey that both sides can claim victory.  Instead of pressing our advantage, we have let Iran keep spinning its tens of thousands of centrifuges ... enriching uranium ... even though this contradicts dozens of U.N. resolutions.

So many of the supposed concessions by Iran in this deal are pure hokum ... see: Free Beacon Story.  With this pact we have just given Iran over $8 billion and six months to further advance its nuclear mischief. If Senators Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez are against this agreement, one has to question its underpinnings. After six months, when we realize what fools we and the other signers of this deal have been, reimposing sanctions on Iran anything like what we have now will be next to impossible.  And Iran's nuclear weapon(s) will be just months away ... maybe then the scales will fall from our eyes.

Paul Wolfowitz was on the MSNBC Chris Hayes' All In show yesterday and knocked into a cocked hat all of the loose logic being used by the left to trumpet this Iranian deal ... see: MSNBC Video. Basically Wolfowitz parried each of Hayes' arm-waving talking points with crystal-clear logic and conviction. As can be seen Hayes is wearing thick glasses ... I think he may also need a white cane.

Afterthought: To understand the degree of Iran's perfidy and the Obama administration's naivete (at least I hope it is naivete) please peruse this statement of the actual ten terms of this agreement in the Powerline Blog.  Sleep well ...


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    For the boy who cried wolf, the sky finally fell on him.

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I am particularly appalled at the president's characterizing this agreement as choosing diplomacy over war, and Hayes seems to do the same thing. The point is that a bad agreement can lead to war, not prevent war, and by allowing Iran to buy time to recover from the sanctions, this agreement may do just that.
