Friday, November 01, 2013

Bad Apples

President Obama just labeled those health insurance companies which are now dropping hundreds of thousands of their clients as “bad apples.”  Quite a tame appellation … no?  Particularly for our pugilistic President.  I kinda think that Mr. Obamacare’s real feelings are quite a bit darker.  Health insurance companies are dropping their clients pell-mell because they can’t afford to insure them under the tenants of Obamacare.  And when the employer mandate kicks in next October (perhaps delayed again until after the mid-term elections?) the total number of Americans who will eventually lose their current policies was secretly estimated by our government at around 93 million!  (See: Forbes Blockbuster Story).

Now, these healthcare insurance companies greedily went along with Obamacare in the first place because they thought that they would tap into a huge 30 million or so block of the then uninsured.  (I almost said uninsured Americans, but I think that might have been misleading.)  In essence, our nanny government was promising to reward them for not objecting to Obama’s takeover of healthcare by making them partners in this crime.  Now comes the cruel light of dawn.

These “bad apples” trusted our fearless leader and will, unfortunately, never recoup anywhere near the number of clients that they will be losing.  And this is not because of a non-functioning website (it eventually will be kludged together).  It is because something like 90% of those now getting replacement healthcare insurance coverage are getting it under “expanded Medicaid” (a sotto voce part of the Obamacare law) ... see: Powerline Story … for details about this newest government entitlement (see: Affordable Care Act Tenant).

In a way, these “bad apples” will get their comeuppance for trusting President Obama and his Chicago consiglieres.  The real crime now occurring is not the mendacity of the Obama administration in its false promises about "keeping your insurance and doctor … period."  It is the coming devastation of America's healthcare insurance industry … to be followed by the likely gutting of the healthcare system itself.

How’s that for audacity?

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