Sunday, October 06, 2013

My Ears are Steaming

There is steam coming from my ears.  Blowhard Bill Maher yesterday had the knock-kneed temerity to slander World War II veterans  as “[not] the brightest generation.” This was due to their entering the WWII Memorial that had been Barry-caded as a result of the impasse over our government’s 2014 funding (aka, the “continuing resolution”) ... see: Breitbart Story

Mole-rat Maher has a supposed comedic show on HBO wherein he launches equivalent incendiary commentary to an audience of other know-nothings.  After 9/11/2001, on a previous show on ABC, he said that it was the U.S. military who were cowards and not the Islamic extremists who drove the planes into the World Trade Center ... see: Mediate Story.  He was quickly to leave that gig.

I sincerely hope that one of our “greatest generation” octogenarians calls out this 57-year old misanthropic pipsqueak, Maher, over his cheap characterizations.  Then we will really find out who is the coward.

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