Friday, October 25, 2013


Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster.  Not only is the insurance sign-up process in utter disarray (see: Test Pattern), but we now find out that hundreds of thousands of medical insurance holders are being canceled by their current providers because of the crippling tenants of this law (see: Daily Caller Story).  And these poor schlubs very often cannot find a new insurer because of the cyber-Hindenburg called … and, if they are somehow lucky enough to escape this burning zeppelin onto a new provider, the costs are frequently prohibitively high … much higher than their previous insurer (see: Forbes Story ... a very good read!).

Yes, I know our dear leader promised that such shenanigans would not happen with his signature piece of legislation (the un-Affordable Healthcare Law) that passed both houses of Congress without one single Republican vote … but he was once again lying … lying to an American public whose starry-eyed idolatry makes them oblivious to his mendacity.  But perhaps now enough of them will soon realize their idiocy and repent?


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