the Governor of California ... just signed a new law that now allows non-doctors in his state to perform abortions ... see: Breitbart Story ...
... in the back alley ... with a coat hanger.
Afterward: This really deserves some more commentary. How is this not a step backwards from the intent of Roe vs. Wade? Is this maybe just a move by Planned Parenthood to increase its pool of abortionists and thus the number of abortions it performs anually ... and therefore the number of taxpayer dollars it collects? I guess, in the end, it all comes down to mammon. See: The Coat Hanger for more of my thoughts on this same subject.
Plenty of medical procedures are done by non-physicians, such as LPN's and Physician Assistants, who routinely prescribe medications as well. Your cynical characterization of Planned Parenthood is just another gratuitous brickbat thrown at anything progressive. You don't want to fund abortions, yet you fight tooth and nail against any programs that help support unwanted human beings. You want the US to be like India - teeming with live babies relegated to a life of poverty and misery?