Wednesday, October 02, 2013

A Test

I am herein offering a test to measure the bias of national media outlets .. that is, if and whereof they mention what happened in Congress yesterday that was meant to ameliorate the effect of the government shutdown. The House of Representatives proposed a piece of Ted Cruz's strategy ... a measure that funded the District of Columbia, veterans' services, and the national park service.  But the House Democrats kept this from reaching a required 2/3rds majority ... even after passing a similar measure to fund the Defense Department ... which was later passed by the Senate and signed in to law by President Obama ... see: The Blaze Story.

However, this morning's printed version of the New York Times indicates that somehow this bill made its way to the Senate and Democrat Majority Leader, Harry Reid, refused even to bring this proposal up for a vote in the Senate.  I'm sure that this was meant to punish the Republicans by punishing segments of the American people ... with the cooperation of national media outlets.  How cynical can one political party get?

Although the New York Times did reveal this information on page one this morning, it was in paragraph 8 and referred this measure as a "narrow bill."  I grade the Times with a B- ... it should have been in the headline and the first paragraph ... it's real news!  An exercise that you, dear readers, can use to test our media outlets' biases is to follow how much of this really important development the national media are willing to convey to you.  This should be fun.

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