Monday, September 23, 2013

The Bomb

Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel is warning us and the world that Iran's dovish nuclear overtures are a possible trap ... see: NY Times Story.  This olive branch from the new President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, for opening direct negotiations on its nuclear program  is such a u-turn from its previous hard-line position that I too am quite chary.  The fact that this attempt at detente is occurring just when Obama is back on his heels due to his Syrian policy failures is another reason to be suspicious.  Iran must figure that President Obama might grab at any life preserver during his diplomatic drowning.  I think Iran may well be right ... and using this ruse to get its sanctions lifted would be an added plus.

In fact, I will go even further than Netanyahu, I think this Iranian ploy means that it either has started building a nuclear bomb stockpile ... or, more likely, it already has one or more such weapons.  I think that Israelis are not sleeping too well these days ... nor am I ... nor should you.

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