Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Orders of Magnitude

A "million" Muslims

Orders of magnitude refer to the number of zeroes that follow a rounded number … thus one order of magnitude would be Nx10, two orders of magnitude translates to Nx100, three orders = Nx1000, etc.  The Million Muslim March is taking place today, the twelfth anniversary of 9/11/2001 ... a clearly idiotically–chosen date.  It is in Washington, DC and has drawn “a few dozen protesters” … see: Washington Times Story.  

A million is 1,000,000 … or six orders of magnitude.  But the actual turnout here was less than 100 Muslims and Muslim fellow travelers.  This then is actually only two orders of magnitude … or four orders of magnitude less than advertised.  Even the organizers of this protest only took out a license for a rally of 1,000 people … three orders of magnitude ... or a thousand times short of the “million” that they had placed in the title of this event.

I can only think that these mathematical order-of-magnitude discrepancies must represent a product of our currently dumbed-down educational system.

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