Thursday, September 05, 2013

Oh the Humiliation!

Part of the justification that John Kerry offered in his House of Representatives hearings yesterday for United States’s military actions in Syria was that the Arab States (read Saudi Arabia) would pay for the entire “unseating of Bashar al-Assad.”  Notice he didn’t just talk about a “shot across the bows” (President Obama’s term) but he clearly implied a full scale invasion “the way we’ve done it previously in other places” … see: Washington Post Story.  In other words, that dove of doves, Secretary of State Kerry, is suggesting that the youth of America should now become the expendable mercenaries in that bloody centuries-old war between the Shia and Sunni Muslims.  Oh the humiliation!

As long as we are then slatterns, perhaps we might also go, hat in hand, to the Al Saud dynasty there and ask for recompense for our past efforts on their behalf in Iraq and throughout the Middle East?

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