Sunday, September 08, 2013

Nutty Professor

In far far too many areas, Barack Obama is governing against the will of the American people.  Just about everything he had promised regarding Obamacare has been proven wrong … yet he persists in cramming this signature piece of socialistic claptrap down our craws.  He is clearly swimming upstream on Syria … feeling he can hit it out of the park with his tired rhetoric this upcoming week.  Even his previous G-20 sycophants failed to buy into his hollow pleas for war.  And Russian's Putin gave him a public spanking in St. Petersburg.

His pontifications regarding climate change are  sounding more and more desperate … particularly since even the Arctic is reversing its warming trend (see: UK Telegraph Story).  And the Keystone Excel pipeline was expected by most to be approved by now … the Presidential election long being over and all.  Yet Obama’s heels are dug in despite the economic leverage that this dumb delay gives the Muslim oil sheiks … see: Fox News Story. 

You would think that for all his problems, O-bomb-a would throw us peons a bone on maybe just the Keystone pipeline.  But no … his mule-ishness has no bounds and, even those things that might make some of his other problems dissipate, are irrationally resisted.  This kind of behavior is bothersome in a President … it makes him appear puerile and frankly a little nutty.  I am worried having a nutty professor (or rather, lecturer) at the helm of our otherwise great nation.

Afterward:  A friend pointed me toward Norman Podhoretz's op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal which suggests that Obama is willing to sacrifice his own popularity in return for a concomitant decline in America's world influence and hegemony ... see: WSJ Article. This is not a new thought, but certainly a frightening one.

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