Sunday, September 29, 2013

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing means the promotion or advertising of goods or an idea without spending much money.  Examples would be unwelcome signs attached to utility poles or chain-link fences, promotional tee-shirts, or fliers tossed on your front porch.  A newer approach appears to be the stamping of slogans on money.  Yesterday I received, as change, a five-dollar bill that had stamped on it in red (appropriately), “Corporations are not people, money is not free speech.”  This is disparaging of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision that found just the opposite.

Isn’t it just a little bit ironic that, in this case, this piece of money was, in fact, exhibiting free speech?

Afterward: web logs (blogs, such as this) are another form of guerrilla marketing of ideas.

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