Friday, September 13, 2013

Empty Suit

I can’t help myself … and neither can Paul Mirengoff of the Powerline blog.  We both view President Barack Obama as an empty suit.  For Paul’s analysis, see: Powerline Blog.  I know that I am an evil, evil person … and a racist to boot.  I should be ashamed of myself for such an unpatriotic attitude … but rational thought keeps imposing itself. 

Over the last five years Obama’s artful politics keeps trumping his awful policy … over and over again.  His band of Chicago thugs have kowtowed much of the media into reverence for his craven claptrap while ignoring his inability to accomplish anything of value. As for my reasoning … let’s just say that I think Obama needs to be complemented for doing the most with the least of anyone in history.  Perhaps he should win a Nobel Prize?

And excuse me for being so partisan, but I also believe that John Kerry, Eric Holder, and Chuck Hagel are equally vacuous.  Obama with his arrogance, Kerry with his haughtiness, Holder with his mendacity, and Hagel with his ineptitude can easily be confused with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Stronger blog post to follow.

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