Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cooling Our Heels

The above picture is worth a thousand words … so it is with the global-warming alarmists … now averting their eyes from such evidence showing that the Arctic ice sheet is currently exhibiting record growth and not shrinking as per their predictions and actual previous events … see: UK Daily Mail Story.  Despite higher levels of CO2 in the Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, the ice sheets in the Antarctic have been paradoxically growing.  Now the Arctic ice in the Northern Hemisphere is following suit … to Al Gore’s climate chagrin.

To me, another pseudo-scientist, the linkage between increased CO2 levels and global warming is now fully knocked into a cocked hat.  That is, of course, until such time as these climate-change wackoes claim that increased CO2 levels are causing these ice sheets to grow.  Stay tuned.

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