Sunday, September 29, 2013


Harry Reid's refusal to convene the Senate until Monday afternoon clearly indicates that the Democrats crave a government shutdown ... after reading polling that shows that the American people are opposed to same. However, the House Republicans' newest proposal to keep the government running includes a one year delay for the individual mandate as well as the removal of the tax on medical devices ... see: AP Story.

One would think that these new Republican conditions would be popular with the American public ,,, if the majority of the media conveys this message to them.

So it is the media that hold the high cards in this political standoff.  If somehow in the next twenty-four hours this information leaks out to enough Americans to turn their collective opinions, then Harry Reid's and the Democrat's strategy might backfire.  I'm not predicting that it will, but there is a small chance that it just might. It all depends on the American media.

Afterward: The Republicans would have had a much stronger position in this battle if they had also included in their continuing resolution a provision that eliminated the subsidies and special treatment that Congress members and their staffs currently enjoy under Obamacare.

More afterward: It might also be interesting if the Republicans were to propose next delaying the individual mandate and the corporate mandate (the latter having been already decreed by Obama without legislative consent).  If Harry Reid then kills this new Republican proposal, would he then not also be negating what our President has already commanded?  How embarrassing ...

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