Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Therapy Dogs

I think we all have come across those low-lifes who take advantage of handicapped-parking tags to save themselves a few steps … ironically, often by parking next to the entrance to their exercise club.  It seems that they might have inherited these tags from a deceased relative or could have compromising photos of a medical friend. It is difficult to find anything but utmost contempt for these pusillanimous poltroons.  But now comes another “poor-me” scam – using a “therapy-dog” assertion to enable knuckle-headed nudniks to bring their pampered pooches anywhere they wish … see: NY Post Story.

 Little do these ego-maniacal heffalumps care that they are debasing the privileged status of such legitimate canines or other service animals. If I were the Almighty, I might find a special way of getting even with such evil, evil people … perhaps by zapping them with the actual handicaps that they are feigning?

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