Saturday, August 17, 2013

Far Fetched

There is a shocking account circulating among the conservative media that Varerie Jarrett gave the stand-down order during the September 11th last Benghazi attack by radical Muslims … and not the only person who had the real authority to do so, President Obama … see the original story in: The Conservative Report.  This effectively stopped any military rescue efforts to protect our diplomatic staff there … with the sad result that Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans were consequently slaughtered. No one as yet has testified that Obama gave this order ... yet we know that it was given.  

If this seems a little far fetched to you, it does to me too … except for one thing.  And that is the plethora of smoke and mirrors that have been constructed by this administration as extraordinary cover-up over the fallout from this attack.  They obviously have something (or things) to hide.  Despite our then Secretary of State’s screeching, “What difference does it make?” …. Madam (former) Secretary Clinton, it indeed does make a difference … particularly if Varerie Jarrett had been acting as our make-believe President.

If you wish to read other accounts of this shocking supposition … each presenting interesting viewpoints and supporting facts read: The Examiner Story and Charles Krauthammer's Comments and Rush Limbaugh's Comments.

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