Monday, June 24, 2013


Current New York Times reporting is that, before he flew to Moscow from Hong Kong, the Chinese government “drained” Edward Snowden’s four laptops of all their data (see: NY Times Article).  Four laptops!  That’s a very large parcel of National Security Agency (NSA) secrets that Snowden took with him while he was becoming a pop hero to America’s young’ins … by outing the NSA for their imagined or real misdeeds. 

Now Snowden is in Moscow and he has missed his first flight to Havana on his way to Ecuador (see: NY Times Article).  I can’t help but suppose that, during this delay,  the Ruskies are duplicating the Chi-Coms in their downloading of all the United States’s most secret data that Snowden could get his weaselly hands on.  And I also suspect that Cuba and Ecuador will be duplicating this tapping of our twitty traitor's cyber-tree.  United States’ intelligence operations have not been sabotaged … they have been devastated …  The worst part is that we probably don't know exactly what data has been compromised!

And where is President Obama on this intelligence catastrophe … hiding under his desk once again so as to not show his hand to the youth of America?  I don’t think he can blame this one on a YouTube video.

I have previously written a blog on this Snowden incident (see: Excluded Middle) in which I suggested that Eddy Baby should be tried for treason and, if found guilty, he be executed. 

I think I was too easy on him.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Here are a few thoughts on this on which I do not have the cycles to dredge deeper:
    Has anything been proven to be in that data that is really problematic to ME such as bank account IDs, passwords, credit card authentication info?
    Is it possible that this is really a spoof and all there is the complete works of the Library of Congress? Or an entire web server of pornography?
    What would anyone in China or Russia do with the info that a guy in Colorado called a guy in Yemen? We had the info on Tsaernaev and his mom talking jihad and couldn't figure it out...
    Assuming #1 is false, is there anything that would destroy you if EVERYONE in the world knew it?
    If everyone knows everything, does the spy community lose relevance?
    Will I start getting more spam in character sets that I cannot decipher?
    Why can't our special ops just nab the guy and his laptops? Or is this like bin Laden where it'll take 10 years to figure it out?
