Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wouldn't It Be Nice ...

if our President, Barack Obama, could ever utter the words "Islamic extremists," or "Muslim terrorists," or "Islam jihadists" ... see: The Foundry Story  Thoughout his four and one half years as our supreme leader, he has yet to label any such heinous action (as the grisly slaughter that was just experienced in London) with any of these appropriate terms.  Very curious ... very curious ...

Afterward: I'm not a psychiatrist ... nor do I play one on TV, but I think that this Obama pathology is called OCD (obsessive/compulsive disorder) ... and/or is reflective of his madrasa schooling in Indonesia.

After Afterward: My wife doubted my original premise about Obama's language aversions ... so I quickly did the following Google search.  See: Newsmax Story

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