Thursday, April 11, 2013

Screw Job #6

Oh the horror!  the White House is furloughing an Assistant Chef as a very public sacrificial response to the government spending sequester that went into effect at the beginning of last month.  And this is the man who cooks the President's dinner a few times a week no less ... and oversees Michelle Obama's vegetable garden ... see: Huffington Post Piece.  Our puerile leadership would be hard pressed to grandstand with any greater insincerity on this issue. Besides, as I have previously stated, being furloughed does not save the government one nickel, since this salary would be accrued to be paid later. But, of course, this same draconian sequestration did not put one crimp in the extravagant Memphis Soul Music Festival held at the White House two nights ago ... see: The Blaze Piece.  (Yet the White House is still closed to the public.)

One other sequestration morsel to chew on ... the White House still employs six full-time flower arrangers!

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