Sunday, April 07, 2013

Mr. Pushy

Senator Chuck Schumer is playing the bully … stating that he hopes that the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill would be ready by the end of this week and quickly come to a vote (see: Breitbart Story).  However, Senator Marco Rubio’s schedule is quite a bit slower.  He thinks that hearings on what is being proposed should come first … with considerable public debate … with a Senate vote to occur sometime in the fall (see: Powerline Story).  Quite a difference!

I think Schumer has concluded that he has rolled the two liberal Republicans of the gang, Batman, Senator John McCain, and Robin, Senator Lindsey Graham … and that Rubio will have to follow the lead of this Daring Duo.  “Not so fast Batman!" ... if Marco Rubio has any hope of Presidential aspirations in 2016 he must stick by his guns now and cause the more conservative Senate Republicans to insist on substantive Senate hearings and a full public review process.  If however he can’t pull this off and is pushed to the sidelines by Schumer, he, I'm sorry to say, will be toast. 

If, on the other hand, Senator Rubio can engage the American public in this process and air all the thorny issues thoroughly, then it will be President Obama who will be backed into a corner with his veto threat.  Senator Rubio … please look on this as your San Juan hill … so to speak.

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