Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kidney Stew

Over three years ago I wrote a blog about the possibility of reconstructing human organs in the laboratory using adult stem cells (see: Francis N. Stein)  This science, by its very nature is progressing very slowly … but it is progressing.  Research doctors have recently bio-engineered, totally from scratch, a rat kidney, transplanted it into its host rat, and seen it function correctly (see: Science News Article).  Please, please read this previous link to see and understand the details of what is being called regenerative medicine … the creation of replacement body parts in the lab which will duplicate a person’s own organs.  This is revolutionary in that this will mean that there will be no auto-immune rejection complications.  And, at some future time, for the seriously ill, there will be no longer a need to go on a waiting list for donor organs.

To me this is and will be one of the most exciting and dramatic scientific developments in this century and will revolutionize medical care.  I may not be around to see this sea change occur … but I am convinced that my grandchildren will.

Afterward: for more information on this exciting new medical area see: Scientific American Article

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