Sunday, April 28, 2013


Tom Brokaw was right.  It’s time to “rethink” the White House Correspondents’ Dinner as he declined his invitation to attend this year. “What kind of image do we present to the rest of the country? Are we doing their business, or are we just a group of narcissists who are mostly interested in elevating our own profiles?” Read more at: Politico Story.

This sickening soiree has morphed into an unseemly display of glitz and egos (see: Deadline Story). It is a melding of Hollywood and the Washington Beltway elite … or at least those who consider themselves to be same. Here is a partial list of the Tinsel Town glitterati who attended last night’s over-the-top bacchanal: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Amy Poehler, Katy Perry, Michael J. Fox, Sharon Stone, Sofia Vergara, Olivia Wilde, Jason Sudeikis, Steven Spielberg, Matthew Perry, Barbara Streisand, Tony Goldwyn, Conan O’Brien, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tracy Morgan, Psy, Michelle Dockery, Megan Hilty, Josh Gad, George Lucas, Reese Witherspoon, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Tracey Pollen, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman, Jon Bon Jovi, Cortney Cox, Kate Walsh, Kathleen Turner, Dan Stevens, Harvey Weinstein, Fred Armisen, Ashley Judd, Kristin Chenoweth, and George Clooney. 

How many of these primping, pimping pismires are correspondents … or could even compose the text on the back of a cereal box?  Talk about your "cult of personality" ... the Soviets had nothing on us!

1 comment:

  1. A. Journalist2:19 PM

    Your list omitted Bill O'Reilly and the other bunch of Fox network entertainers.
