Saturday, March 16, 2013

Star Wars

Ronald Reagan first proposed the anti-ballistic-missile Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983 … to which the liberal media promptly applied the mocking  pejorative “Star Wars” … and have ridiculed its tortoise-like progress ever since.  In 2009, President Obama, true to the Democrat tradition, abrogated existing agreements that we had with Poland and the Czech Republic to install these weapon shields on their soil (see: Swinging Gates) … much to these countries' annoyance and chagrin.  And he has just recently rubbed salt in these wounds by canceling what was to be the fourth phase of such installations … see: NY Times Story. (Remember Obama’s 2012 whispered aside to Russia's then-President Medvedev that he would have more disarmament flexibility after the next election. … see: Wink Wink Nudge Nudge).

Ah but here’s the rub … North Korea is now nuclear-saber rattling and the U.S.'s liberal West Coast is nervous.  So this Administration has decided that such a defense against nuclear-tipped ICBMs suddenly is a priority.  This is as a result of North Korea's Kim Jong-un threatening to press the nuclear-war button (Dennis Rodman notwithstanding).  So these defense weapons once destined for Eastern Europe will now be sited in Alaska.  One small problem … such a shield will not be operational until at least 2017 … see: US News/NBC News Story … hopefully not to late to matter.

Funny how oxen often get gored at the most inconvenient times.

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