Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Another reader, and fellow climate-warming denier, has suggested a topic for my commentary here.  This time, berating a stunningly-stupid remark by a cable-news info-babe is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Her name is Deb Feyerick and she "reports" for CNN.  Apparently she was interviewing Bill Nye, the Science Guy, about an upcoming close fly-by of an asteroid.  Wide-eyed and breathless, this kindergarten drop-out asked Mr. Nye if this asteroid event could be due to global warming ... see: CNN Commentary.

Actually this is not as surprising as it might otherwise seem since much of the commentary surrounding global warming (or climate change if you will) is equally dense ... even much of which is spouted by "scientists."  Assuming that President Obama will play this same heart-strung violin tonight in his State of the Union Address, I would like to point out ten more ripostes regarding this pseudo-science ... see: Powerline Blog.  If you want to see all ten questions, click on the link at the beginning of the post.

One last (equally-silly) comment about climate change ... perhaps instead of global warming causing close asteroid fly-bys, why can't close asteroid fly-bys be causing global warming?  What say you, Al Gore?

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