Saturday, February 23, 2013

People Props

Increasingly Presidential photo-ops and press briefings have a posse of people props (firefighters, doctors, children, factory workers, etc.) used as a backdrop to the message that the President is delivering.  I know that, if I were one of these mannequins ... often assembled at great cost and inconvenience ... I would not be happy,  a little like the firefighters appearing in the above optic.  This practice is not exclusive to Obama alone.  President G.W. Bush did it too (remember his unfortunate aircraft carrier “Mission Accomplished” announcement.)  And often, these people props are organized by unions.  Management then may react with displeasure … like what happened to those shown above (who were used as a stunt to emphasize Obama’s recent displeasure over the upcoming federal spending sequestration … see: NBC News Story).

Two reasons that I would be unhappy to be put in such an awkward position are; 1) it is demeaning and 2) it implies that I support what the President is saying or doing … and I may not.  Since many of these public relations events are in real time, I would love to see some dramatic miscues occur … such as someone getting sick or passing out or picking their nose, etc.  If I were one of these people props, I think I would be tempted to just walk off the stage.  Yes, this might be a career-ending protestation … but then, it might be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Maybe someone walking in off camera every now and then and handing one of them a pink slip, at which point the sequesteree walks away...
