Wednesday, February 06, 2013


I’ve only studied a bit of econometrics, but I know enough of it to know that most long-term economic growth has its real basis in demographic expansion.  Yes, a country like Russia can experience a spurt of economic growth, based on new energy discoveries, while at the same time showing negative population growth.  And there are other abnormal instances of explosive population growth which does not translate into strong economic numbers … such as currently being experienced in the Gaza Strip.  (This situation seems particularly driven by an aberrant political objectives and not natural economics.) 

But for liberals to espouse zero or negative population growth strikes me as national suicide … see: Breitbart Story.  One needs only fly across the United States a view the vast tracks of nothingness to realize that, were this country to reach the population density just in the Rockies, of say Switzerland, we could support many times more people than currently.  And this would in turn drive economic expansion and dynamic/dramatic technical developments.  Let us have faith in what has previously worked.  The most important thing that our political leaders should strive for is that this expanding population stay a melting pot and not become a Cobb salad … and focus on fulfilling more important objectives than applauding Beyonce’s hip wiggling or choosing the brackets for March Madness. 

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